A Broken Radio Dials In on an Unbeliever's Skepticism
"I just witnessed an event so mysterious that it shook my skepticism." So wrote Michael Shermer, editor of Skeptic, the official magazine of The Skeptic Society, of which he is the founder.
A Skeptic's Skeptic
Michael Shermer is a skeptic's skeptic whose skepticism is most strenuously exercised against all things supernatural. From a full-throated materialistic bent, he argues that all phenomena are reducible to natural causes ultimately explainable through science.
In his writings, interviews, and debates, Shermer projects an intellectual swagger that has become fashionable in freethinking circles. A number of years ago, during a PBS...
Regis Nicoll is a retired nuclear engineer and physicist, a Colson Center fellow, and a Christian commentator on faith and culture. He is the author of Why There Is a God: And Why It Matters, available at Amazon.
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